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Signs of Bleeding You Must Not Ignore

Whenever you experience unnatural bleeding, you should have a health check done quickly. Based on the findings from diagnostic tests, your doctor will prescribe appropriate treatment. Here are 5 signs of bleeding that you must not ignore.

In- Period Bleeding - Bleeding that is not a part of the normal monthly cycle is abnormal and needs to be checked. If you are passing clots during your normal cycles, consult your doctor and ask him/her what diagnostic tests are to be done for abnormal menstrual bleeding. Also, there are diagnostic tests to rule out complications like endometrial cancer. The other causes of in-period blood can also include stress, hormonal imbalance, uterine fibroids, infection, vaginal dryness etc.
Postmenopausal Bleeding - If you are in menopause, you shouldn’t experience menstrual bleeding. So when you notice even a little spotting, you should get a health check done right away.
Postmenopausal bleeding is linked to non-cancerous polyps, endometrial atrophy (thinning of endometrial lining), endometrial hyperplasia (thickening of endometrial lining), endometrial cancer, uterine or cervical infection, hormone therapy and side-effects of blood thinners.
Your doctor may ask you do certain laboratory tests to find out the cause of bleeding. He or she will also take into account your medical history. The lab tests include transvaginal ultrasound, endometrial biopsy and saline infused sonogram, pap smear, hysteroscopy and D&C (dilation and curettage).
Bleeding during Pregnancy – Bleeding during pregnancy is an issue that warrants a medical diagnosis. For instance, if the bleeding during this phase is different (lighter or darker) than your usual flow and there is a pain in a part of your tummy, it can hint towards ectopic pregnancy. Heavy bleeding coupled with continual back pain or abdominal pain can be a symptom of miscarriage. Heavy bleeding, especially when you are less than thirty-seven weeks pregnant, can mean premature labor.
Blood in Stool - Consult your doctor if there is blood in stool for more than two days. There can be several causes for bleeding to surface in the bowel movement. The common causes include an infection, hemorrhoids, and anal fissures. Other causes include IBS (Inflammatory Bowel Disease) that can manifest in the form of ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s Disease. While ulcerative colitis affects just the colon, Crohn’s Disease can affect any part of the gastrointestinal part.
Diverticular bleeding, marked by the presence of small bleeding pouches along the lining of the large intestine, can also be caused due to blood in the stool. Blood in the stool can also be indicative of peptic ulcers that affect the lining of the stomach or duodenum, the upper part of the small intestine. Another cause of blood in stool is a condition called angiodysplasia (breakdown of blood vessels in the gut). Colon cancer is also identified with blood in the stool. A thing to note is that bleeding, in this case, is usually not visible to the naked eye. However, the accurate way one can pinpoint the actual reason for blood in stool is through diagnostic tests.
Blood in urine. – The presence of blood in urine is also a sign that you should not ignore. The most common are urinary tract infection, which can also include accompanying symptoms like foul odor in urine and a burning sensation while passing urine. When blood in urine is accompanied by flank pain and fever, it can mean an infection in the kidney. The other causes of blood in urine can include a range of complexities that include kidney stones, enlarged prostate, inherited disorders, kidney disease, medications and advanced kidney, prostate or bladder cancer.

Recurrent episodes of Spontaneous bleedings

Diagnostic tests are a precise determination platform for the doctor to determine the underlying illness behind unnatural bleeding so that an appropriate mode of treatment could be administered. So, do not ignore any of the above-mentioned bleeding symptoms and get yourself checked. Diagnostic services arrange for home sample collection as well, so that you do not need to come all the way for a lab test. A simple blood test can make a huge positive difference in your life, in terms of getting timely treatment. So, go ahead and contact the nearest diagnostic service center and take the proactive step to better health.

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