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What is the business type of Apollo Diagnostics Center

Apollo Diagnostics Centre is a division of Apollo Hospitals group, undertaking pathology services by setting up Patient Care Centres across India.

What is Patient Care Center

A Patient Care Centre (PCC) caters to the needs of walk-in patients whether they are referred by doctors or visit in response to the marketing activities.

Where can I set up PCC

The ideal locations for PCCs are residential neighborhoods in middle / upper middle-class clusters. Situation of doctor’s clinic in the vicinity will be an added advantage.

Is it permitted to process samples in PCC

No. PCCs cannot process samples.

What support does Apollo Diagnostics Center extend to develop business in PCCs ?

Apollo Diagnostics Center sales team meets doctors in close proximity of the PCCs and gives regular marketing support through flyers carrying the address of the concerned PCC. RWA (apartment complex) camps and other marketing focused activities are also undertaken on a regular basis.

Will Apollo Diagnostics help in recruiting phlebotomists

Apollo Diagnostics Centre can help PCCs source technicians through its HR dept. However, it is advisable to recruit a technician residing in close proximity of the PCC.

Is DMLT must for a technician

Yes, It is.

Will Apollo Diagnostics Center take over the PCC once business is good

Apollo Diagnostics Centre will not take over PCCs until the PCC expresses its inability to continue / control the business.

Can I set up PCC on the first Floor

As accessibility for senior citizens and patients with disabilities should not be hindered, Apollo Diagnostics does not allow setting up of PCCs anywhere except the ground floor. The visibility factor is also low for upper floors.

Can the standard designs suggested by Apollo Diagnostics be changed Center

Apollo Diagnostics Centre does not permit any changes in its design and colour codes to maintain uniformity across PCCs.

How are we different from others ?

Apollo Diagnostics Centre operates labs in a highly organized way with utmost quality and better TAT through experienced technicians and pathologists. Quality is approved by daily QC and EQS, FDA approved machines.

What to do with existing staff and instruments ?

Apollo Diagnostics does a technical evaluation of existing staff and retains them based on pathologist feedback. Instruments can be used if they are on our approved standard machine list.

How About revenue sharing ?

Apollo Diagnostics has an attractive revenue sharing model based on Final Price Approval by the Hospital and Apollo team. Apollo would handle all expenses of Lab (consumables, reagents & man power) on agreed revenue sharing terms.

What does hospital need to provide ?

Basic Lab area of Minimum 300-500 sft. with AC, UPS supply & Internet connectivity

What is it that Apollo can do and hospital cannot do?

Apollo makes continuous efforts to improve in-house lab tests based on work load. The marketing team works continuously towards improving the footfall of patients. Quality Management is achieved through strict monitoring of processes. Technical staff gets regular training on recent lab practices and Doctors are mandated to attend CMEs on improving lab quality.

Partner with us

Partnering with us offers entrepreneurs valuable mentoring, marketing guidance, and administrative support, paving the way for success.

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