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Alcohol Testing

An alcohol test is used to measure the amount of alcohol in the body. After consumption, alcohol gets rapidly absorbed into the blood. Therefore, it is possible to measure the levels a few minutes after having a drink. Alcohol levels elevate and attain their highest levels in the blood within one hour of drinking. A majority of the alcohol is broken down by the liver and the remaining is eliminated from the body through urine and breath. A blood alcohol test measures the levels of alcohol in the blood.

Why is the test done?

A blood alcohol test is recommended to determine whether a person is drunk or not and to know the reason for his/her disturbed mind, lack of control, confusion, unclear thinking and erratic behaviour. The test may also be ordered to detect the presence of alcohol in the blood during the times when alcohol consumption is prohibited.

How is the sample collected?

A blood sample is collected from a vein in the arm.

How to prepare for the test?

There is no special preparation required for this test. However, it is always better to inform the doctor of all the medicines and supplements, one is taking before taking the test.

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