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24 HOURS Urinary Copper

Copper is an important for bodily functions, as it is present in some enzymes that play vital roles in energy production, regulation of iron metabolism, the functioning of the nervous system, formation of connective tissue and melanin production. Copper is ingested through several foods and through the water. After its absorption from the intestines,copper is converted into a,non-toxic form by binding it to proteins and transporting it to the liver. The liver produces an enzyme known as ceruloplasmin, which binds the majority of the copper to the blood. Excess copper is converted by the liver into bile and removed from the body through stool and urine. A urine test is used to measure the amount of copper in a 24-hour urine sample.

Why is the test performed?

The test is recommended to investigate the presence of Wilson disease and liver disease (Obstructive liver disease).

When is the test ordered?

The test may be ordered repeatedly in conjunction with the ceruloplasmin test if an individual exhibits signs and symptoms that can be attributed to the presence of excess copper in the body, Wilson’s disease or copper poisoning.

Such symptoms may include:




Abdominal pain

Swallowing or walking difficulty




How is the sample collected?

A 24-hour urine sample is collected in a sterile container according to the instructions given by the physician.

How to prepare for the test?

No special preparation is required for this test.

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